Saturday 7 February 2015

Dreams seminar

NAME               : ARVIND KANNAN J
REGISTER NO  : 311412106302



Ø Introduction
Ø Dreams in life
Ø Importance of dreams
Ø Ideas
Ø Map of dreams
Ø Imagination
Ø Pursuing dreams
Ø Believe in pursuing dreams
Ø Conclusion

 I have lot of dream in my life. As far as I know dream is the basic tool which lead us to do the thing. A person without dream is useless. He can’t achieve anything in life. This is my policy towards the life. Surly all will have dream in their life that is meant by my dream in life. 

Dream is the thing which makes us to live further more. There is no limitation to dream the things. Only if you dream a lot you can achieve a little.

DREAMS are an essential part of our lives. In order to understand dreams, one must understand the importance and function of dreams and the different theories surrounding dreams. A comprehension of dreams can better be understood by the different theories surrounding why we dream. There are three different hypotheses.

This is one of the most common dreams that people have been experiencing ever since dreams were first studied. The source of dreams is our imagination and memory; without these key factors, dreaming would be nothing. Once you have your dreams written down, identify the basic theme or concept of your dream.




Everyone has dreams. Weather they are become a scientist and discover new and amazing things, or become a star basketball player and be the highest paid player in the league, people dream about their future. I have dreams for the future just like everyone else. Dreams of the good life, with lots of money, hot girls, and fast cars! And I will do whatever it takes to achieve it.
College is my first step to achieve my dream. Currently I am a student in high school. I do my best to keep my grades up, because I know that they will help me into college. I dream of going to UCSD to get a bachelors degree in biology, then coming back to Stockton to attend UOP and getting a Doctorates degree in Pharmacy. By the time I get this degree, I will be around 28, so I hope that it will all be worth it.
After I have a doctorate, I plan to get a job working for a company under their research division. I hope I can lend a hand in finding new, more effective ways of administering drugs to patents. Or I could possibly design self-administration drugs for those at home type of people. Or perhaps I could improve packaging designs for the medication. The possibilities are endless!
Outside of my job, I plan to buy a large home. I dream of settling down in an urban area, someplace that's not too big. A Stockton type of town, but not Stockton. Possibly Monterey or Carmel. Hopefully by the time I get a house, I'll have a wife and can start a family. I dream of having a son to carry on the family name.
As you can see, I have big plans for my future. I plan to make something of myself, and not to give up. I have a major fear of failure, and I won't let it get to me. My parents expect a lot out of me, and I think I have done a good job so far. My dreams are what keep me going; they are an object for me to strive for. I will obtain that object one day.



Dreams are successions of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. There are two types of dreams; dreams of the conscious mind and dreams of the subconscious mind.
Dreams of the conscious mind are more important than the dreams of the subconscious mind. It is essential to understand the difference between the two. Dreams of the subconscious mind are the ones which occur accidentally or as a result of the events that surround us; dreams of the subconscious mind are visible only when we are asleep.
Dreams of the conscious mind on the other hand are the dreams which do not let us sleep until we achieve them. Now what are the dreams of our conscious mind? Earning loads and loads of money, buying your dream car, starting up your new business, buying your dream house etc. are all dreams of our conscious mind.
The dreams of our conscious mind are extremely essential if we want to achieve anything in our life; be it little or big. Dreams are extremely essential, they motivate us, strengthen our desires to move ahead in life no matter what the external conditions of our life are.
A person who is hard working but has no dreams in life is comparatively less successful that the person who is hard working and an avid dreamer at the same time. Dreams are your backbone, you can be successful without a dream but you cannot be happy without it.
It has been said that if you are already dreaming then you must dream big. Now what is dreaming big? After starting in believing your own capacity and capability, it is essential that you should set a goal, a dream which is difficult to achieve.
The moment you achieve that difficult dream, you will be happier than you thought you would be after achieving the dream. A car without a steering wheel is useless; similar is a life without dreams. You are dead the moment you stop dreaming.
The most successful people on earth are so because of the reason that they believed in their dreams and walked every path, unlocked all the keys on the road to the achievement of their dreams.

Dreams, dreams…. People like to say, that without dreams person cannot exist. And I totally agree with that, because without any aim in life you do not have any sense for living. Even if you ask a young child, what he or she wants to achieve in life, he will answer immediately.
We were always taught, that we have to want more than we have. But very often I can hear that people say “ Oh, yes, I want it, but I will never get it” or “It`s impossible”. You can be sure, if you think so, then you will never get it at all. Or, in my opinion, if you still don’t have it, then you just don’t need it.
But from my experience I can surely say, that, of course, just dreaming is not always enough. That is why I want to propose you some advice how to achieve your dreams and be successful.
Some people can be quite talkative and they often like to tell about their own life. Do not behave in such way. People have a bad quality to be jealous, or they like to insure you, that it is impossible or unreal, so very soon you will catch yourself on the idea that you will stop believing in your dreams and it is the most unpleasant thing that can happen with you. I want to cite as an example for you a very inspire parable: “Once a man was going to work an thinking – My life is awful, my work is boring, my wife is quarrelsome, my children are stupid. There was an angel near to him, and he was writing down all his words. He said such phrase – It is strange, he orders the same thing every day.” That is why you MUST always have a positive thinking and you should never cease to have faith in yourself. Make your dream into a burning desire. You have to turn our dreams into a burning desire in our hearts and souls. If you have a strong desire to achieve your dreams, then it will  boosts your self-confidence and will aid you in solving some of the worst stages of your life. The manner to turn your dream into a burning desire is to place confidence that your dream is achievable and that you can achieve it because you are the best.
You have to start the action now.  On my opinion, some people think that they would live for five hundred years, and it becomes a habit to postpone all important things for tomorrow. Never do this, take each day as it comes. And soon you will notice that all you dreams will drop from the clouds.
Embrace Failure. Sometimes the failure when you are doing something new is implied. You cannot be taught without it. Recall yourself in childhood, how did you learn to walk without falling? Here’s another quote, “Decent decisions come from the experience. And experience comes from incorrect decisions.” The success seldom happens in one night. Success often comes after endless pains of hard work. But we seldom observe this unpleasant side of doing back breaking work. We like to read the stories of instant success and become disposed when our own projects ruins. After this, we often give up. Did you know that the designers who made (the world wide used game) Angry Birds made fifty one other games before it became so popular?
You’ll meet with failing, and of course you will accomplish mistakes. Like a real warrior you will be on a war field, before you will get a long expected prize. But always remember that the satisfaction that you will get at the end, you will remember forever.
So what are you dreaming about? Think about it all the time. Then write it down in details. Even this one exercise will bring you wonderful enjoyment. Make it as a routine of reflection your dreams and repeating your dreams by re-writing them with new additions.


              I`m sure that everyone of us has dreams, and more often they are quite unreal, like, I want a million dollars, or a sport car, or I want that my husband will be a prince on a white horse. But my next question will be – so what do YOU do just to achieve them? So my first advice is – choose five of your most important dreams, write them down in your copybook (each dream on a new page),  and then, under the each of a dream make a plan how you want to achieve it. For example, if you want a million dollars (don`t dream that you will find them on the street), so how are you going to earn them, or how are you going to collect them, if you know an economic well, so why not put out them. And as all girls want to find a prince, think, are you sure that you look like a princess, so maybe it`s a perfect time to start visiting the gym?

             Maps always help us to find a way from everywhere, so why not make a map for your own life. I usually call it – “Map of dreams”. You can make it in such way: you are dreaming about visiting of exiting foreign countries. So find their pictures on the internet, print and put them into your map. You can also add there your photos, as you are, as a matter of fact, in these countries. Maybe you are dreaming about you three stored house, you can even draw it on your own (how you imagine it). And, believe me, before you could say Jack Robinson, you could make a real photos of all of these.

All of us dream, several times at night. It is believed by some that we sleep in order that we may dream. Dreams can come true if somebody makes them true, as the saying goes, “A dream is just a dream, unless you make it come true”. Dreams provide us the actual picture of our thoughts. Dreams may tell us about any physical event which took place with us or which is going to happen with us. The dream is trying to inform the dreamer about his condition in any walk of life. Basically, we can dream about anything logical or illogical, fictious or non-fictious and reasonable or unreasonable.
Dreams can often give some people good ideas, which they could not imagine. “If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it”.

I wish I could reach their? God, please help to pass my exams? I know I am going to achieve this? What are all this, these are your dreams. Every human no matter who so ever it is, whether he is a farmer or a business men, they have a dream which they want to fulfill during their life Did you ever notice that the first step to your journey is dream? Dreams, is the most important part of our life. Our life ends within few seconds. But dreams are meant for long life, if you are not able to achieve it, someone from your loved ones will fulfill it. Many parents ask their children not to dream of anything, they forget one thing that for a child dreams is only one way to achieve something no matter how much it cost.
If someone would ask me where we can achieve this I would let them know about the dreams. Only dreaming is not enough, making them come through is also a part of our life. There are many instants which I would like to share with all of you. A teenager who uses to dream about his destiny, when he could’t achieve it in real life, he use to achieve it in his dreams. No one knows what’s going to happen next. Dreaming is as important as doing you other jobs. Feelings can be a wonderful thing to have. They can make your wildest dream seem so real. They can make you feel happiness and hope Many people who dream do not understand why they dream or what their dreams mean.
Even though dreams are not fully understood, people throughout history have sought to find meaning in their dreams. Societies of the past often attributed their dreams to spiritual sources.
Dreams in these cultures have always been regarded as important. The ancient Egyptians believed that these dreams were messages from their gods and in the pursuit to understand their dreams produced one of the earliest known dream books. â dream of death was a omen of long life.  The Greeks interpretations of  dreams was almost opposite that the other cultures during this period, believed that dreaming Modern beliefs about the meaning of dreams have changed little. Leaving people still seeking answers to their dreams. Even though we have still have not found the true meaning of dreams. In our search we have found out many things about our body and how it functions while we sleep.
 Dreams have been objects of boundless fascination and mystery for humankind since the beginning of time. These nocturnal vivid images seem to arise from some source other than our ordinary conscious mind. They contain a mixture of elements from our own personal identity which we recognize as familiar along with a quality of `otherness' in the dream images that carries a sense of the strange and eerie. The bizarre and nonsensical Characters and plots in dreams point to deeper meanings and contain rational and insightful comments on our waking situations and emotional experiences. We dream every single night whether it stays with us or not.







All dreams are worth pursuing. They can be small or big; realistic or farfetched; easy or challenging. Any person can pursue his dreams as well. He could be rich or poor; young or old; black or white. There is no acceptable reason for a person to not pursue his or her dreams. Every person should pursue his every dream regardless of the chance of failure.
I am currently pursuing my dream of being the number one seed on the Fleming Island High School Girls’ Varsity Tennis Team. I started playing tennis when I was in the third grade and fell in love with the sport. When I started playing tennis I told my dad, “Dad, someday I will be number one.” I am now a senior in high school and this is my last opportunity to be number one. I have been chasing my dream of being number one for nine years and I know that there is a chance that I will not be number one this year, but I still continue to work hard every single day to fulfill my dream.
It is natural for people to be afraid of failure, but failure should not impede a person’s desire to pursue dreams. Everybody has dreams and I believe that everybody should strive to fulfill those dreams. Walt Disney said, “All of our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them,” and I could not think of a better way to express my belief.
Is Bill Gates the best engineer in the world? Does Mac Donald’s make the best hamburger in the world? The answer is no. They are certainly the best dreamers in the world; they believed in magic, in the power of their dreams, no matter what the external world thought about them these people believed in their internal dreams.
It is essential for every individual to dream; whether it’s big or small. Once your small dreams start coming true, you will start dreaming big as a result of both habit and practice.


Everyone in this world is born with some capabilities and talents which distinguish that person from the rest and I firmly believe that talent helps that person shape their life to become a stronger human being, coming from a country where women are homemakers rather than being a part of the workforce I feel truly blessed that I got.

Dream is a beautiful thing that all are having. Write your dream about your life and write why you dreamed like that. Because sometimes our dreams comes from ancestor dream. Surely there are people who work to achieve their ancestors dream and I should say that I am a person in that category. There is much to write about a Dreaming is not a big think but achieving the same dream is really a big thing. Good luck.